Music and the Brain
In 2010, Mike Pope had the distinct honor of participating in the research of world renowned Researcher and Surgeon, Dr. Charles Limb. As an outcropping of this research, Mike has been involved in speaking on the panel of the Brain/Science Institute International Conference (2010) alongside Pat Metheny and Marin Alsop, who were also involved in the research. Mike was also interviewed and featured for a television program "The Creative Brain" (2013) which has been aired on both the BBC and the Discovery Channel. In 2015, he was invited to be a guest speaker about the experience of creativity and improvisation at the Salzburg Global Seminar (Session 547“The Neuroscience of Art: What are the Sources of Creativity and Innovation”) where Dr. Limb was presenting his research alongside other researchers, Artists, Scientists and Educators from all over the globe.
Below, you will find a Ted Talk regarding the science of creativity as well as links to several other pages and documents which explore this research and begin to answer questions about how the brain functions during jazz improvisation.
"Your Brain on Improv" - Charles Limb, MD
November 2010 TED Talk
BBCHD Horizon - The Creative Brain